AccessAustralia is a not-for-profit charity, established by people who know what it is like to experience difficulties conceiving. We understand first-hand the highs and lows of undergoing infertility treatment. Our community is comprised of individuals who need medical help to have a family, their friends and family members.
AccessA is your authentic consumer voice in government, fighting to maintain your choice to have a family through equitable government policy and affordable, quality medical care. AccessA’s advocacy in partnering with our community of over 40,000 individuals was pivotal to securing Medicare reimbursement for IVF services and lifting the restriction on the number of cycles for which a woman could claim reimbursement. This is regularly under threat. In addition, some state governments have eligibility criteria that treats people differently if they need medical help to have a family.
We need your help to continue to be your voice to fight for equity of access to high quality, affordable treatment and maintain our support, education and advocacy services.
We know first-hand how valuable receiving easy-to-understand information about dealing with infertility can be. Our range of over 40 fact sheets is reviewed regularly to ensure the medical information is current. They also include information about the emotional impact of the social and medical aspects of infertility. We also send periodical eNews.
Sometimes talking things over with an experienced professional, outside your clinic setting, can provide an objective perspective. A list of counsellors in private practice with knowledge and expertise in infertility can be found at: AccessA Infertility Counsellors’ Network.
We need to know we are not alone as we strive to have a family.We each have our own story, and we all need support at some stage. We understand how important it is to connect with others who know first hand what we are going through. So for those who donate to our information, education and advocacy efforts we have created a forum so you can make contact with others who share a similar infertility experience and who have created more than 550 topics. See: AccessA options for connecting.
Your donation will help to maintain an authentic national voice for and by people who need medical help to have a family.
Joining our community is easy: choose your online registration below and be part of our network immediately. Please ensure to include your email address to have your login details sent automatically.