AccessAustralia is a consumer controlled, independent sector organisation; a not-for-profit charity, committed to providing whole of life support for women and men who experience difficulties conceiving and their families. AccessA strives to raise community awareness about infertility by being an effective national voice to bring the social, psychological and financial needs of people to governments and the medical and scientific …


AccessA is supported by a Board of Directors who bring a range of expertise to our community. Elected every two years, the board is represented by a majority consumers, the medical community and children born from IVF. The directors are: •   Sarah Archibald •    Dr Anne Clark •    Sandra Dill AM •    Debbie Jeffrey •    Rebecca Featherstone Jelen • …

What Access Australia can do for you

Provide easy-to-understand information about dealing with infertility and the availability of support services through the monthly eNews and over 40 fact sheets. Provide Australia’s national voice for you and over 17,000 members with state and federal governments and in the medical, scientific and political and general communities. Provide access to our support networks: the AccessA Infertility Counsellors’ Network, AccessA options …

Contact us

AccessAustralia PO Box 6769 Silverwater NSW 2128 Australia Telephone: 1800 888 896 Fax: +61 2 9737 0245 Email:

Enquiries about infertility

Most of the enquiries we receive relate to information we provide in our extensive FAQs section. If you would like your question answered quickly, please visit our FAQs. AccessAustralia PO Box 6769 Silverwater NSW 2128 Australia Email: Telephone: 1800 888 896   Fax: 02 9737 0245

Visionary Partners

To ensure transparency and appropriate ethical practice, AccessAustralia welcomes Industry Partners who adhere to the Working Together: A Guide to relationships between Health Consumer Organisations and Pharmaceutical Companies. This guide and the accompanying Manual have been jointly developed by Consumers Health Forum and Medicines Australia. The Code of Practice of Medicines Australia (s13) requires its members to consider the principles detailed …

Patients’ Rights Charter

AccessAustralia is a signatory to the Patients’ Rights Charter developed by the iCSi patient leader network and the ESHRE Patients’ Leader Forum.  The  joint Charter brings a patients’ perspective to global principles for assisted conception and infertility. Signatories to the Charter will use this document in their negotiations with governments to argue for greater equity of access to quality, affordable …

AccessAustralia established the iVFlings, a group of young adults who were conceived through IVF.  The iVFlings have regular contact with each other and are strong advocates for the inclusion of IVF in public policy agenda, especially through the school education system. If you are an IVF child and would like to make contact with other young adults, you can connect with other …